Bern, October 15th, 2007
The IFBC is currently developing a new strategy for the years 2009 to 2013. Therefore all Member Organisations were asked to fill in a survey about the strengths and weaknesses as well as the needs of their organisation this summer. Out of 39 surveys sent out to the member Organizations, 28 returned to us. Thank you very much for your contribution to the development of the new strategy!
However life surprised us! Since we decided to go adopt a new strategy last spring things have changed significantly at the IFBC. About two months ago we received the wonderful news from the Blue Cross of Norway that they have been awarded as main (and only) beneficiary of what is probably the world’s largest one day fundraising event called the “TV-Campaign”! That means that in October 2008 all Norwegians will be invited to donate towards the work of the BC Norway and the IFBC. The campaign will be hosted prominently on all media channels in Norway and by house-to-house visits. In recent years the TV-Campaign generated a double digit Euros amount in the millions. The BC of Norway has generously decided to give 50% of the generated funds to the IFBC to promote and enhance the work through its member organizations and has asked the IFBC to take the leading role in developing and implementing the international projects within the TV Campaign. The Network Committee and General Secretaries of the IFBC wholeheartedly accept and thank the leadership of the BC Norway for this exceptional gift towards the whole Blue Cross movement.
Here are some facts and figures about the TV-Campaign
- Blue Cross Norway (BCN) has overall responsibility for TV-Campaign
- BCN has given the lead to IFBC for international projects regarding fundraising and fund-spending
- Television and Radio programs will be developed of project in BC Norway and member organizations of the IFBC
- The fundraising will take place on one of the last Sundays in October 2008
- Projects funded by TV-Campaign money have to be implemented within 5 years (2009-2013).
- Primary beneficiaries are – as it has been defined in the application of Blue Cross
Norway- affiliated member organizations, with a special focus on India, Southern Africa and Eastern Europe.
What does it mean for the new strategy of the IFBC?
The results of the survey show that the new strategy of the IFBC should focus on capacity building in the area of project management, fundraising and leadership as well as expertise in the field of alcohol and drugs combined with prevention and treatment (a detailed evaluation of the survey will be published on our website by the end of October 2007).
The Network Committee has therefore decided to use the funds from the TV-Campaign not only as seed money for projects but mainly to develop new Resource Centres providing services in terms of capacity building (how to do fundraising, leadership and management skills etc.) to the member organisations.
Vision and guidelines for the new strategy and the usage of the TV-Campaign money
The vision and guidelines of the IFBC agreed upon by the Network Committee are:
- Main focus must be on capacity building with multiple beneficiaries (not funding but empowering). TV-Campaign proceeds are used primarily as seed money.
- We strive to build and support independency as a core value in our Organization.
- Achieve sustainability by supporting healthy organisational structures and management systems.
- Funds must be used in accordance with our mission statement (e.g. south empowers the south) and strengthen both the IFBC as umbrella organisation and the Member organisations
- Embrace a participative, pragmatic, value- and competence-based approach.
- Organisational standards according to criteria set by Network Committee and General Secretaries (values and ethics, leadership and management) have to be fulfilled.
Implementation of new strategy, application of proceeds of TV-Campaign
The implementation of the strategy is based on three levels:
Modular Training Program with Capacity Building in Leadership, Management, Ethics, Prevention, Treatment and After care (based on main needs as evaluated in the survey and workshop in 2007)
Beneficiaries: to be defined yet |
Resource Centres (responsibility: General Secretaries, Network Committee) Room for cultural specifications but with the following common objectives: Capacity building for partners (either district or national level); Support the partners in project development and fundraising; Collaboration on a regional level with external partners, international organizations. The objectives will be further developed in January in collaboration with the Network Committee |
Impact on Project Level: MO’s submit applications to IFBC with a selection of best projects through IFBC, based on main strengths of MO and criteria agreed upon by Network Committee. |
Milestones of the TV-Campaign
To achieve our objectives and to obtain as much funds as possible we depend on the collaboration of our Member Organisatione!
Therefore we are asking for their assistance by fulfilling following steps:
Description of existing projects and development of tentative project ideas:
Submission to IFBC till End of December 2007
You find all details for next steps under “News/Next steps”on this website!!!
We thank you all for contributing to a successful new strategy of the IFBC!
Irene Abderhalden and Mark Moser Geir Gundersen