
Anne Babb

Written by
Anne Babb

You are listening, but do you hear what is being said?

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11 August 2015 – Listening is the art of truly helping somebody to discover their own resources for change. One of the key observations I have made in current society is the apparent lack of an approach to support each other in any process of change or decision-making. It is so easy to give advice and raise on a pedestal above other person’s problems. When somebody says that they suffer from headache you hear people around them giving advice based on what worked for them. It often happens that the person who has the original problem has not even had the opportunity to explain their problem by the time we provide solutions. We live in a “quick… Read more

Anne Babb

Written by
Anne Babb

How can we influence alcohol policy?

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23 March 2015 – There are Christian organisations and churches around the world and Christians are involved in all sectors of society with a variety of jobs, roles and positions. WHO has given a mandate to all bodies, even those without a stake, to work towards reducing alcohol related harm. With our networks we are powerful when we work together and understand the challenge. What is the challenge? There are many challenges. Europeans drink more alcohol per capita than anybody else in the world. (11 litres per capita). Working days lost due to alcohol, accidents and harm to others due to alcohol are at the top part of the list. Did you realise that… Read more

Rehabilitating from games addiction can be harder than de-toxing from substances
Anne Babb

Written by
Anne Babb

Rehabilitating from games addiction can be harder than de-toxing from substances

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27 January 2015 – In many countries internet games, slot machines, computer games and betting are creating a new addiction problem. Gambling addictions may lead people and families to severe debts and therefore to severe problems. There is a large population of youth who play computer games and miss out on studying, socialising, working and even sleep due to these addictions. Their families feel helpless when they see young person’s life slipping away to a computer world. The challenge is that the world is full of mobile devices that enable access to games. How can somebody with games addition get away from these devices and start the recovery… Read more


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