Cheers to the Family
November 2010

This is a new publication on intimate partner violence and alcohol. No society is immune from intimate partner violence. Alcohol plays a significant role in those tragic events, breeding violence from the combination of intoxication with ill-conceived images of masculinity and repressive social norms.

A new IOGT-NTO/FORUT publication explores the connections between alcohol consumption and violence.

Alcohol and HIV in India
A Review of Current Research and Intervention

Jean J. Schensul, S. K. Singh, Kamla Gupta, Kendall Bryant, Ravi Verma

Published online: 3 July 2010, ©Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010

This supplemental of AIDS and Behavior is a collection of
recent work by Indian researchers and Indo-U.S. partnerships, examining the intersection of alcohol and HIV in India. A decade ago, when some of the research reported on in these papers was in its infancy, the AIDS epidemic in India was believed to be accelerating dramatically and shifting from vulnerable high risk populations such as sex workers, truckers and injection drug users to the general population. At the time there was a great urgency to identify facilitators and routes of transmission and to find strategies that could immediately be effective in containing the AIDS epidemic and preventing its economic, social and health consequences.

During this period, international and domestic alcohol manufacturers were seeing an opportunity to market their products to an ever expanding Indian middle and upper middle class with resources to spend on leisure time activities. Find out more…

Listening to the Voice of the Elderly – Material on Ageing and Alcohol
The Finish Blue Ribbon, Multiprint 2010

“This material came about because of great demand. Our experiences with the ‘Too Much Is Always Too Much – Ageing and Alcohol Project’ have made it clear that there is need to increase substance abuse know-how in elderly care. The
project workers have worked hard at various training programmes in the field of elderly care and addiction work, but in the end we decided that the best way to meet the demand was to produce a training material package
where we would try and address the questions and challenges of the field to the best of our ability. Between these covers, you will find basic information on ageing and alcohol. In the project, we focused on those over the age of 60 and also this material deals mostly with this age group. Defining clear boundaries was difficult, however, as we could see that the ageing process
is very individual and different persons age at different paces. […].”

Contact details:

Maria Viljanen
Project manager
Too much is always too much – ageing and alcohol –project.
The Finnish Blue Ribbon.

+358- 50-359 38 45

The Finnish Blue Ribbon

+358 400 620 149

SuchtMagazin 1/2010

Irene Abderhalden
Lic phil 1, Leiterin Abteilung Prävention, Schweizerische Fachstelle für Alkohol- und andere Drogenprobleme SFA, ,

“Für eine wirksame Alkoholprävention muss auch weiterhin an einer Kombination von Verhaltens- und Verhältnisprävention festgehalten werden. Bei diesen handelt es sich nicht um zwei völlig unterschiedliche Strategien, sondern um sich ergänzende und gegenseitig bedingende Massnahmen. […].”


British Medical Journal, 20 January 2010

Gerard Hastings, Director (1), Oona Brooks, Researcher (1), Martine Stead (1), Deputy Director (1), Kathryn Angus, Researcher(1), Thomas Anker, Researcher (1), Tom Farrell, Researcher (2)

1) Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA
2) Open University, Milton Keynes

Although the content of alcohol advertisements is restricted, Gerard Hastings and colleagues find that advertisers are still managing to appeal to young people and promote drinking.

Find out more.

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