Liability The International Federation of the Blue Cross IFBC provides everyone who is interested with information about substance abuse topics. The IFBC strives to provide correct information, but cannot guarantee absolute accuracy, nor that all the contents are correct, up-to-date or complete. Further, no legal rights can be deducted from the information. Any medical advice is given in best conscience, but can in no way replace seeing a doctor and must be followed at your own risk. The International Federation of the Blue Cross IFBC refuses liability for any damages that are incurred through the use of the homepage, namely due to inaccurate information or technical difficulties. Neither can the IFBC be accounted for the content and functionality of other websites that can be accessed through a link from the IFBC homepage. The International Federation of the Blue Cross reserves the right to cancel, adapt or delete parts of the homepage any time without prior warning.

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 Duplicating individual pages or documents for public, but non-profit use, is permitted as long as the copyright of the IFBC is mentioned, and any commercial use of the data is clearly prohibited. The IFBC must be asked for written consent for the use of the data for any other purposes, specifically complete or partial duplication for commercial purposes, electronic distribution or by other means, modification and linking with public and/or commercial purposes. 

Personal information The International Federation of the Blue Cross IFBC saves and processes the personal information of the users only for the specific situation in which the user gave it. This information is not passed on to third parties and is not linked with other usage data or any other data base of the IFBC.
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