Every 10 seconds a human being dies because of alcohol. At the same time, children and young people around the world are exposed to an avalanche of…
How does alcohol increase cancer risk?
An article by, Lucy Eccles15 March 2016 | Cancer PreventionLucy Eccles has a background in biomedical science and is currently International…
A Focus on Youth
At the International Blue Cross, much of our focus is on youth. We want to give children around the world to live a happy, healthy life free from…
Reaching the Most Chronically Homeless Addicts – Perspectives from the Field – By Anne Babb
Publication: European Network of Homeless Health Workers (ENHW) Newsletter Issue 22The Salvation Army Social Services have been involved with the…
Grenzenlos engagiert!
Bern, 17. November 2015MedienmitteilungDie Welt mit gefühlten 1.5 PromilleMit „Grenzenlos engagiert!“…