

Every 10 seconds a human being dies because of alcohol.

At the same time, children and young people around the world are exposed to an avalanche of alcohol advertising to entice them to consume alcohol. However, nobody holds the alcohol industry accountable for promoting death and disease. At the International Blue Cross (IFBC), we see a world where everyone can choose a life free of addiction. IFBC encourages local action to tackle alcohol related harm. Even the best treatment services will not succeed unless we build a world where we can protect public health and prevent the spread of disease.

“I do not want our youth to be subconsciously manipulated through advertising to become alcohol users. One of the proven methods of reducing alcohol related harm is to ensure that alcohol is not too cheap and that it is appropriately taxed, sold and marketed. Marketing restrictions are essential part of good alcohol policy. This is a global battle and together we can have results,” Anne Babb, General Secretary IFBC.

The alcohol industry has accumulated a worldwide track record of aggressively opposing and undermining evidence-based political processes to protect people from alcohol harm. Big Alcohol has piled up a massive track record of directly targeting children and youth, of sexualizing and objectifying women, of doing anything possible to protect and boost their own profits – no matter the consequences for people, families, communities and societies around the world.

Join IFBC and the worldwide network of 20 organizations led by IOGT International by following the campaign #BigAlcoholExposed and learn more about how you can get involved at

For additional information, please contact us:
International Blue Cross
Mischa Rychener
Fundraising Officer
[email protected]
+41 31 301 9804
+41 76 467 0725  

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