

Back Communities Taking Action, Reducing Alcohol Harm in Africa More Programme de formation sur les politiques en matière d’alcool basées sur des preuves dans les pays en voie de développement CAMPAIGN More Training Manual for Evidence-Based Alcohol Policy in Developing Countries  Many African countries are not prepared to fight effectively against problems that are created […]

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Back Newsletter March 2013 Dear ReaderYouth exclusion around the world needs our attention, and here is why. Recently, I heard from four adults – an actor, a doctor, a teacher, and a theology student – how, as young children they became addicted to alcohol… More Newsletter December 2011 STORIES OF CHANGE.Dear Reader,“It is the small

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Back Gemeinsam handeln. «Wir setzen Himmel und Erde in Bewegung, um den Suchtkranken und deren Angehörigen zu helfen» lautet das Motto des Blauen Kreuzes Norwegens und Dänemarks. Diese Devise widerspiegelt nicht nur das Engagement der Mitglieder dieser zwei Organisationen, sondern auch dasjenige von Hundertenvon Blaukreuz-Mitarbeitenden rund um die Welt. Es ist mein Wunsch, dass –

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Back Gemeinsam handeln. «Wir setzen Himmel und Erde in Bewegung, um den Suchtkranken und deren Angehörigen zu helfen» lautet das Motto des Blauen Kreuzes Norwegens und Dänemarks. Diese Devise widerspiegelt nicht nur das Engagement der Mitglieder dieser zwei Organisationen, sondern auch dasjenige von Hundertenvon Blaukreuz-Mitarbeitenden rund um die Welt. Es ist mein Wunsch, dass –

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Back Doing it together. “We move heaven and earth to assist people harmed by addiction” is the motto of Blue Cross Norway and Denmark. This motto not only reflects the commitment of members of these two organisations but also of hundreds of Blue Cross leaders and practitioners around the world. My hope and wish is

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Back Doing it together. “We move heaven and earth to assist people harmed by addiction” is the motto of Blue Cross Norway and Denmark. This motto not only reflects the commitment of members of these two organisations but also of hundreds of Blue Cross leaders and practitioners around the world. My hope and wish is

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Back Dear Reader Youth exclusion around the world needs our attention, and here is why. Recently, I heard from four adults – an actor, a doctor, a teacher, and a theology student – how, as young children they became addicted to alcohol… File Type: PDF DocumentFile Size: 0.89MB View File | Download File

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Back Dear Reader Youth exclusion around the world needs our attention, and here is why. Recently, I heard from four adults – an actor, a doctor, a teacher, and a theology student – how, as young children they became addicted to alcohol… File Type: PDF DocumentFile Size: 0.89MB View File | Download File

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Back The 2013 Annual Report is a reflection of the work of many worldwide contributors committed to the International Blue Cross. The report demonstrates how the collaborative effort of all stakeholders ensures the delivery of innovate approaches to our core areas of work through projects in self-help, life skills , alcohol policy and good governance. We

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Back Das Motto unseres Berichtes lautet “Gemeinsam handeln”. Es drückt unsere Überzeugung aus, dass wir nur durch gemeinsames Handeln, durchs Zusammenlegen unserer Kräfte mit internen und externen Partnern, auf effektive Weise den von Sucht betroffenen Menschen helfen können. Über ein Feedback zum Bericht würden wir uns freuen. Sollten Sie Fragen zu dessen Inhalt haben, wenden

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