Training Program on Evidence-Based Alcohol Policies
Project Field Education
Context We currently observe that the alcohol industry is implementing aggressive strategies to ensure their market shares in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, an international evidence-based knowledge giving clear directions as to the formulation of effective interventions against alcohol-related harm does exist. This knowledge often only remains available to limited circles, and not to many of the decision-makers in politics and government agencies. There is an increased need to build national competence on alcohol policy matters in African countries, as well as a need to mobilize and educate NGO leaders so that civil society can play a constructive role at national level in as many countries as possible. This project intends to bridge this gap by offering training to important stakeholders.
Project The Blue Cross of Norway, in cooperation with the IFBC and the organization FORUT, will provide training for motivated NGOs leaders, politicians, government staff and media in selected developing countries to advocate and mobilize for a more restrictive alcohol policy (including control mechanisms such as availability, price, age restriction etc.) within their country’s specific socioeconomic situation. The project will start by focusing on selected countries in Africa during the first year pilot phase, and aims to expand the trainings to eight additional countries after that. A training package will be developed as well as a web-training concept, in order to ensure a flow of continued knowledge and mobilization.
Project Goal The trainings are destined for motivated local representatives from NGOs, political parties, government institutions and the media who can be mobilized to lobby for new control policies and the implementation of existing policies. Ultimately, the goal is to target policy makers within the national governments and political parties who are in a position to decide on the introduction and enforcement of evidence-based alcohol control policies.
Duration 01.05.2009 – 31. 12. 2013
Budget EURO 322’980
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